Thursday, 27 April 2017

CAP: Educate our community about the dangers of cyber bullying / e-waste

A tool to create virtual posters combining text, audio, video, images, and hyperlinks.

A program for creating charts and informational graphics.

CAP (Community Action Project): An hour of Code

An Hour of Code for Our Community 
Learn how to host a Hour of Code event for your school, city, or neighborhood.

Anybody can learn

How ro run an Hour of Code

Get Inspired

Get Inspired!

Visit the links below for examples of individuals and community organizations working to address Digital Age issues. 

A 12-year-old app developer (video)
Learn about how students like yours are using technology to make positive changes in their communities. In this TED talk, Thomas Saurez talks about his interest and experience developing apps for iPhone.

How I Harnessed the Wind (video)
At age 14, in poverty and famine, a Malawian boy built a windmill to power his family's home. At 22, William Kamkwamba shares in his own words the moving tale of invention that changed his life.

My Invention That Made Peace with the Lions (video)
In the Maasai community where Richard Turere lives with his family, cattle are all-important. But lion attacks were growing more frequent. In this short, inspiring TED talk, the young inventor shares the solar-powered solution he designed to safely scare the lions away.

A Promising Test for Pancreatic Cancer...from a Teenager (video)
Over 85 percent of all pancreatic cancers are diagnosed late, when someone has less than two percent chance of survival. How could this be? Jack Andraka talks about how he developed a promising early detection test for pancreatic cancer that's super cheap, effective and non-invasive — all before his 16th birthday.

Award-Winning Teenage Science in Action (video)
In 2011 three young women swept the top prizes of the first Google Science Fair. Lauren Hodge, Shree Bose and Naomi Shah describe their extraordinary projects — and their route to a passion for science.

Curious 13-year-old Invents Printer (article)
Read about this inspiring teen who built a braille printer using Legos in his home in California, making printing for the blind more affordable and accessible. Must have Newsela account to view article (free).

Teen Girls Create Apps To Tackle Gender Violence, Clean Water Access In India Slum (article)
Girls create a "Women Fight Back" app for mobile phones. Learn more about how these students are making a big impact in their communities and get inspired.

Thursday, 23 March 2017

Unit 4: Discussion 2 (My Digital Future)

o What are your interests or hobbies?
o What type of career would you like to have in the future?
o Why would you enjoy this job? What makes this job important?

Computer Science is Everything, from

 Untangling the Hairy Physics of Rapunzel, from myCS

 EPA Chica Squad, from

 Day in the Life of a Video Game Designer, from myCS

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Smart Stuff (Unit 4: Discussion 1)

Smart Stuff & the Internet of Things

What exactly makes devices "smart"? 

The resources below will help you learn about 
  • how the IoT works, and
  • different smart inventions, and their benefits and challenges. 
Featured Resource - Extend Learning
Video – Beginner – Show your students this short video to learn how a smart grid works to save electricity and make the world a greener place.

Optional discussion: What is a smart grid? What are its benefits and challenges?

Extra Video: Bionic Leg
Bionic Leg
Show your students this video from the Harvey Mudd MyCS program to learn about a smart prosthetic limb.

Unit 4, Week 1 Videos

"Internet of Things," from Common Craft
Video – Beginner – This informational video explains how the Internet of Things (IoT) works. This is a great resource to help students better understand how IoT connects devices and makes things "smarter."

"Smart Devices for Easy Living," from Wall Street Journal
Video – Intermediate – This video highlights smart devices that were on display at the 2017 Consumer Electronics Show. It also points out possible security risks involved with smart technology.

"The Internet of Things: IOT," from PBS Newshour Extra
Video – Advanced – This seven-minute video explains how IoT is connecting devices. Includes important quotes and discussion questions to support students' critical thinking.

Unit 4, Week 1 Articles

"Issue Overview: The internet of things," from Newsela (Note: free account sign-up required to view)
Article – Multiple Levels – Students dig deeper into the Internet of Things to learn multiple perspectives on smart technology. This article features multiple levels, vocabulary support, and an infographic. Optional discussion: Why are some people concerned about smart technology? Which perspective do you most agree with? Why?

"Technology is at the heart of smart city movement," from Newsela (Note: free account sign-up required to view)
Article – Multiple Levels – Learn how Kansas City, in the United States, is using technology to make its city services smarter. This article features multiple levels and a Spanish translation. Optional discussion: Why is Kansas City considered "smart"? How could you make your city smarter?

"A Beginner's Guide to Understanding the Internet of Things," from recode
Article – Intermediate – Read this Q&A to learn how the Internet of Things works. This article includes photos, captions, and quotes from tech experts.

"Introducing the Smart City," from Business Insider
Article – Advanced – Read about smart city initiatives in Chicago and New York, and how it is saving money and increasing efficiency.

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Innovation station (Discussion 2, Unit 3)

Watch the video or read an article to get excited about making.

"Look What I Made," from MakerSpace
Website – Makers around the world post their inventions on this site. 

Discuss: Which of these inventions is most exciting to you? Why? 

Sylvia's Super-Awesome Maker Show
Webshow – Sylvia is a maker-kid who loves tinkering. Have your students watch episodes of her webshow to learn more about the process of making and inventing.

Discuss: What did you learn about inventing and making from Sylvia?

The Maker Map

Website – Are you ready to get involved with the Maker Movement?
Activity: Find the nearest maker space on this interactive map.

What my city makes (Discussion 1, unit 3)

In the Digital Age, computers and machines are often used to make products that were made entirely by hand in the past. Technology influences production, from 3D printed products made entirely by machine to digital ovens used to make a traditional Italian pizza.

The resources below will help you learn about how
  • how technology has changed manufacturing.
  • how everyday products are made.
  • how humans and machines work together.

"The Assembly Line: Then and Now," from

Video- Intermediate - This short video highlights how people and machines work together to build cars. It ilustrates how manufacturing has changed over the years. 
Discuss: What are some benefits of using robots in factories? Challenges?

"How It's Made: Colored Pencils"
Video - Beginner -  How are colored pencils made? How does technology make this process easier? 

"How Boeing Builds a 737 in Just Nine Days," from Wired
Video, Short Article – Intermediate – Video about how workers and machines work together to build a plane in a little more than a week. Discuss: How do you think this process would be different without technology? Do you think it's necessary for humans to be a part of making this plane? Why or why not?


Now complete WB page 41 and then you can participate in the first discussion of unit 3 My City Makes. To help you write your paragraph you can use WB page 42Before writing you can also read about what your peers are sharing. 

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Tasks 11th of January 2017

Hi everybody,
Welcome back!

There are two tasks for today to finish unit 2.

  1. If you have created a PSA, send it by email to your teacher to be shared with all your classmates. (
  2. Post and share your PSA with your international peers in the e-classroom.  (Workbook page 37)
  3. Read and reply to your peer's PSAs.  (Workbook page 37) You should reply to a minimum of 3 students from 3 different cities.  

  1. When you finish you can start getting familiar with TinkercadTinkerCad is a free browser-based 3D design and modeling tool. Sign up for an account and explore the gallery for inspiration. We will use it for the final project in unit 3. Jose Piqueras will print your products with the schools 3D printer. 

Happy learning!

After Xmas Questionnaire

Work in pairs. Put the words of the following questions in order.
Then ask and answer them.

1.     Xmas, good, did, holiday, a, have, you? _________________________
2.     go, did, away, you? _________________________
3.     go, lot, you, out, did, a? _________________________
4.     did, Eve, you, Xmas, what, on, do? _________________________
5.     did, what, Xmas, you, Day, on, do? _________________________
6.     to, Year’s, go, on, a, did, party, you, Eve, New?
7.     lot, you, holidays, have, these, a, eaten? _________________________
8.     done, special, have, anything, you? _________________________
9.     any, or, have, plays, you, interesting, seen, films? _________________________
10.                       best, to, these, what, thing, you, that, holidays, the, was, happened? _________________________
11.                       on, see, January, did, the, 5th, you, the, Three Wise Men parade? _________________________
12.                       any, Resolutions, Year’s, have, you, made, New? _________________________
13.                       anybody, to, give, presents, did, you? _________________________
14.                       presents, you, any, get, did? _________________________

Describe one present in a way that your classmates can guess what it is.