Wednesday 11 January 2017

After Xmas Questionnaire

Work in pairs. Put the words of the following questions in order.
Then ask and answer them.

1.     Xmas, good, did, holiday, a, have, you? _________________________
2.     go, did, away, you? _________________________
3.     go, lot, you, out, did, a? _________________________
4.     did, Eve, you, Xmas, what, on, do? _________________________
5.     did, what, Xmas, you, Day, on, do? _________________________
6.     to, Year’s, go, on, a, did, party, you, Eve, New?
7.     lot, you, holidays, have, these, a, eaten? _________________________
8.     done, special, have, anything, you? _________________________
9.     any, or, have, plays, you, interesting, seen, films? _________________________
10.                       best, to, these, what, thing, you, that, holidays, the, was, happened? _________________________
11.                       on, see, January, did, the, 5th, you, the, Three Wise Men parade? _________________________
12.                       any, Resolutions, Year’s, have, you, made, New? _________________________
13.                       anybody, to, give, presents, did, you? _________________________
14.                       presents, you, any, get, did? _________________________

Describe one present in a way that your classmates can guess what it is. 

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