Wednesday 15 March 2017

Smart Stuff (Unit 4: Discussion 1)

Smart Stuff & the Internet of Things

What exactly makes devices "smart"? 

The resources below will help you learn about 
  • how the IoT works, and
  • different smart inventions, and their benefits and challenges. 
Featured Resource - Extend Learning
Video – Beginner – Show your students this short video to learn how a smart grid works to save electricity and make the world a greener place.

Optional discussion: What is a smart grid? What are its benefits and challenges?

Extra Video: Bionic Leg
Bionic Leg
Show your students this video from the Harvey Mudd MyCS program to learn about a smart prosthetic limb.

Unit 4, Week 1 Videos

"Internet of Things," from Common Craft
Video – Beginner – This informational video explains how the Internet of Things (IoT) works. This is a great resource to help students better understand how IoT connects devices and makes things "smarter."

"Smart Devices for Easy Living," from Wall Street Journal
Video – Intermediate – This video highlights smart devices that were on display at the 2017 Consumer Electronics Show. It also points out possible security risks involved with smart technology.

"The Internet of Things: IOT," from PBS Newshour Extra
Video – Advanced – This seven-minute video explains how IoT is connecting devices. Includes important quotes and discussion questions to support students' critical thinking.

Unit 4, Week 1 Articles

"Issue Overview: The internet of things," from Newsela (Note: free account sign-up required to view)
Article – Multiple Levels – Students dig deeper into the Internet of Things to learn multiple perspectives on smart technology. This article features multiple levels, vocabulary support, and an infographic. Optional discussion: Why are some people concerned about smart technology? Which perspective do you most agree with? Why?

"Technology is at the heart of smart city movement," from Newsela (Note: free account sign-up required to view)
Article – Multiple Levels – Learn how Kansas City, in the United States, is using technology to make its city services smarter. This article features multiple levels and a Spanish translation. Optional discussion: Why is Kansas City considered "smart"? How could you make your city smarter?

"A Beginner's Guide to Understanding the Internet of Things," from recode
Article – Intermediate – Read this Q&A to learn how the Internet of Things works. This article includes photos, captions, and quotes from tech experts.

"Introducing the Smart City," from Business Insider
Article – Advanced – Read about smart city initiatives in Chicago and New York, and how it is saving money and increasing efficiency.

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