o What are your interests or hobbies?
o What type of career would you like to have in the future?
o Why would you enjoy this job? What makes this job important?
Computer Science is Everything, from code.org
Untangling the Hairy Physics of Rapunzel, from myCS
EPA Chica Squad, from code.org
Day in the Life of a Video Game Designer, from myCS
Thursday, 23 March 2017
Wednesday, 15 March 2017
Smart Stuff (Unit 4: Discussion 1)
Smart Stuff & the Internet of Things
exactly makes devices "smart"?
The resources below will help you learn about
- how the IoT works, and
- different smart inventions, and their benefits and challenges.
Video – Beginner – Show your students this short video to learn how a smart grid works to save electricity and make the world a greener place.
Optional discussion: What is a smart grid? What are its benefits and challenges?
Optional discussion: What is a smart grid? What are its benefits and challenges?
Bionic Leg
Show your students this video from the Harvey Mudd MyCS program to learn about a smart prosthetic limb.
Video – Beginner – This informational video explains how the Internet of Things (IoT) works. This is a great resource to help students better understand how IoT connects devices and makes things "smarter."
"Smart Devices for Easy Living," from Wall Street Journal
Video – Intermediate – This video highlights smart devices that were on display at the 2017 Consumer Electronics Show. It also points out possible security risks involved with smart technology.
"The Internet of Things: IOT," from PBS Newshour Extra
Video – Advanced – This seven-minute video explains how IoT is connecting devices. Includes important quotes and discussion questions to support students' critical thinking.
"Issue Overview: The internet of things," from Newsela (Note: free account sign-up required to view)
Article – Multiple Levels – Students dig deeper into the Internet of Things to learn multiple perspectives on smart technology. This article features multiple levels, vocabulary support, and an infographic. Optional discussion: Why are some people concerned about smart technology? Which perspective do you most agree with? Why?
"Technology is at the heart of smart city movement," from Newsela (Note: free account sign-up required to view)
Article – Multiple Levels – Learn how Kansas City, in the United States, is using technology to make its city services smarter. This article features multiple levels and a Spanish translation. Optional discussion: Why is Kansas City considered "smart"? How could you make your city smarter?
"A Beginner's Guide to Understanding the Internet of Things," from recode
Article – Intermediate – Read this Q&A to learn how the Internet of Things works. This article includes photos, captions, and quotes from tech experts.
"Introducing the Smart City," from Business Insider
Article – Advanced – Read about smart city initiatives in Chicago and New York, and how it is saving money and increasing efficiency.
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